Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Sock

Okay today was the day I was absolutely gonna finish one sock, I best friend who taught me to knit is at work, she works the afternoon shift. So I have been work on the sock on and off today. I finally got to the toe decrease and decided that if I can be self taught in reading crochet patterns how hard can it be. So I dug out the instruction for sock out of my notebook of plenty. carefully reading the pattern tracking the decreases and knit rows finally getting to the part about doing the Kitchener stitch to finish off the sock, Feeling quite proud of myself in the fact it really looks like a sock. Then oh my the Kitchener stitch. I feel the dread well in me as I read the I have to cut my yarn in order to do this. the instructions being a little complicated I remembered you tube thank god for you tube And there was my move the Kitchener stitch. watch it made it look very easy, and off i go the confidence growing as I am really doing the stitch to the end I come just bind off how hard cant it be.....Oh no the yarn broke now what? So I try to take them off and get this fixed. Ya right that's why I am now waiting for my friend to come home from work to help me fix this... Lesson learned Don't get to confident it will get you....


NatRed2 said...

Poppy cock! You did a beautiful kitchener stitch...It was that other wonky stuff that you had going on...LOL I could barely see to take it out. I'm telling you- that second sock is gonna fly.

OMG!!! too funny - your word verification is tangle..LMAO