Saturday, November 22, 2008

My days off

Okay so it's cold outside and normally I take my vacation days in the summer but I had a few days to take before the end of the year, So I took em. I really needed those mental health days. It's been rather nice to sleep in a little and spend time with my husband.I've also had time to work on my pair of sock that I work on then hibernate for a few then work on again. Well I'm happy to announce that I finally finished my first pair of socks last night. I now am a proud owner of one pair of bamboo sock and even have enough to make another pair.

I also finished my scarf that I started last weekend. I love the colors and texture of this yarn. Very soft I only wish I had bought more of this when my friend Jeanne and I went to the stitches Midwest show. the scarf could have been a little longer.
I also got my birthday present from her. I knew she'd find it eventually. She's so funny, she's always misplacing something. Anyway I got a shawl pin it's absolutely beautiful the wood is so smooth, I cant wait to get my shawl done to use it.

I also have started my next pair of socks this time using soy silk yarn. I am bound and determined to do this pair without help. Although I love Jeanne for all her help and understanding especially when she has just come home from work. And then she has to help me...She loves me.

Well I must say I feel like I accomplished something on my days off.. I feel much better, more relaxed. My husband and I even watched our grand daughter today. She is so funny. Still can't understand her all of the time, I think she has her own language. We went to the store, had ty tys (french fries). played with her kitchen she helped papa build his puzzle. And as an ending to the the day I thought I'd add a end of day picture of puppies relaxing in the chair with one of there favorite toys
these milkbone lambs wool puppies. These things I swear are indestructible, my male dog Jeebs tears apart every baby he and his sister have, but not these. Kudos to Milkbone

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby It's cold outside

Well I think I can say it's officially winter. I have now had to use seat warmers, and have had to resort to starting my truck in the morning. Now if I could get my dogs to go out go potty and come back in right away I'd be doing good. My dogs love it outside and of course have to sniff every inch of the grass outside. So in honour of winter I figured it was time to make a scarf to keep my self warm. I bought a skein of yarn from the stitches Midwest show and found a ribbed pattern online and started now I'm almost out of yarn so it's almost done.

I celebrated my birthday at work yesterday we are very short handed and my boss asked
if I could come and train a new person in the morning and also work my usual late night hours so I said yes, seeing times are as they are and money seeing as it is I offered to work 12 hours. What was I thinking??? But it was just one birthday so I will survive. It's all good. when I got home my hubby had made me dinner, and then I got my card from him, and from my puppy's, and I got my very favorite Fanny Mae mint meltaways. The day before I got my plaque that my grand baby girl made me and my blown glass puppy. She is so proud of this plaque she came over and hung it on the door to my office for me. Those are the best kinds of gifts to get. My kids, friends and family called me at work leaving me singing messages. So all in all working for 12 hours on my birthday wasn't all bad it was still a pretty good birthday.
Thanks for the birthday wishes to all.. Love ya

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Whoo Hoo

Whoo hoo the first sock is done!!!!!! Now to just make another one the same size, now that will be a test. Thanks to my buddy Jeanne I now have one whole sock, I'm so glad she loves me enough to show up at my house at 11 pm just to fix what I've managed to mess up! And the next ones already in the works 4 try's later to get it started but hell I'm on my way now (knitting in the round on 5 needles takes a little practice at first). May have it done this weekend I'll keep you posted on how that's going.
My puppies Abbey Mae and Jeebs went to the cleaners yesterday and they look so cute now. and clean, and neatly shaved. They look like they lost ten pounds, okay Jeebs
does. Think there gonna need to wear sweaters soon, Baby it's gonna get cold. Which brings me to winter..Not my strong point. I love to sit in front of the window with a cup of coffee and or tea, and watch the first snow fall, to see the snow glisten in the sun light. How pretty. Then it can go away and it can be 70 again. Sorry to all you snow lovers I just don't stay warm no matter what I do...

Abbey before....

Abbey after how cute

Jeebs before

Jeebs after how distinguished

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Sock

Okay today was the day I was absolutely gonna finish one sock, I best friend who taught me to knit is at work, she works the afternoon shift. So I have been work on the sock on and off today. I finally got to the toe decrease and decided that if I can be self taught in reading crochet patterns how hard can it be. So I dug out the instruction for sock out of my notebook of plenty. carefully reading the pattern tracking the decreases and knit rows finally getting to the part about doing the Kitchener stitch to finish off the sock, Feeling quite proud of myself in the fact it really looks like a sock. Then oh my the Kitchener stitch. I feel the dread well in me as I read the I have to cut my yarn in order to do this. the instructions being a little complicated I remembered you tube thank god for you tube And there was my move the Kitchener stitch. watch it made it look very easy, and off i go the confidence growing as I am really doing the stitch to the end I come just bind off how hard cant it be.....Oh no the yarn broke now what? So I try to take them off and get this fixed. Ya right that's why I am now waiting for my friend to come home from work to help me fix this... Lesson learned Don't get to confident it will get you....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Little backwards today

I'm a little backwards today I was going to add a picture of my niece and I dressed for Halloween.

We work for an ob/gyne as medical assistants and yes we really did go to work like this what you can't see is our pants are rolled and too short with colored socks pulled up to the end of our pants

We really did get quite a few laughs and weird looks from patients most thought it was so cool that not only did we match but we were willing to work that way... It was good to cut loose so to speak I'm not like that I'm rather shy and quiet and to post the picture online for the world to see definitely not me. So like I said earlier changes are coming .

A New Day

Good Morning!!!!
Happy day after halloween, what a beautiful night for the trick or treaters 70 degrees wow!!!
Alexa was a kitty cat how cute, Papa and I took her to my sister-in laws trick or treating she is still a little worried about the decorations and mask but she has the concept down from house to house we go her and her tick-der-teet and thank you then the smores and bon fire. great way to end the night.... Well on to the craft side of things, First pair of socks well I should say first sock is getting there probably two more inches until i get to the toe then the learning begins to finish it. oh then start all over only taking almost 7 months for one sock oh my, guess im not breaking any speed records there.Havent been working on my shaw though. goota get going on it since cold weather is fast approaching. Doesnt seem to be enough hours for all I'd like to do. I think it's time to start making some changes I've had alot of time to think, Our family had to make an emergency trip to North Carolina for a funeral of a family member 15 hrs is a lot of time to think
about a lot... So Changes here we come!!!! It's a little scary and also kinda comforting it's time
for new things job, maybe new state, it exciting actually to think of living somewhere else. Well I'll keep everyone posted on the progress Have a great weekend enjoy the hour gained in sleep
Whoo Hoo......